How To Organize A Day Of Giving In Your Community or A Community In Need

I believe one way you can get involved immediately in supporting a in a day of giving is by purchasing my new book " How to Organize A Day of Giving in Your Community or A Community In Need".

The book is an easy to follow guide which describes why and how people need to give to help alleviate  hunger in America, homelessness, the new poor, the number of homeless shelters, and unemployment rates. It describes why “A Day of Giving” is the answer by describing what it is and how it works. It gives the history of the events and it success. It shows that anyone with a HEART can do it and my  testimony on how God supernaturally used me as a weak and willing vessel. It describes the Master’s plan with the meaning behind it. It describes the step-by-step process for planning, organizing, recruiting volunteers, securing sponsors and etc. with pictures of the present and previous works. This book is inspiring and a must read!

 With the sale of this book in each state, part of the proceeds will be donated to help food depositories to support food banks and homeless shelters in each state and Haiti for one month, etc. To help support these causes, my organization recommend you  invest in this book, read it,  and become  inspired to support “A day of Giving”.

Copies of the book can be ordered by clicking on the link below.